Birth Injury – Brain Damage At Birth

The Cerebral Palsy in Newborn is a condition that damages the brain during the development phase which can occur whether during the birth or after, labour or pregnancy. Many brain injuries occur even before the birth. However, only a small percentage of kids suffer from the injury during delivery room.

Different Factors of Injuries

There are many forms that can result in Cerebral Palsy with the number of risk factors. Here is some type of factors that can result in this injury.

1.Blood clotting
3.Maternal high blood pressure
4.Placental abnormalities
5.Loss of oxygen or blood flow to the brain
6.Improper medical care

Types of Birth Injury

Here are the four types of factors that are the main cause of damaging the brain.

1.HIE (Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy)

When the Cerebral Palsy Newborn happens due to the lack of blood and oxygen quantity at the time of pregnancy or delivery. This results in damaging brain cells and tissue that develop the injury. However, if this occurs during the pregnancy phase, then it may lead to another type of damage, PVL.

2.PVL (Periventricular leukomalacia)

It will occur due to the loss of a white matter that is present in the brain that helps in learning and functioning of the brain. Another thing you need to know is that the main cause of this to happen is due to the no blood flow to the region where this white liquid is found i.e., periventricular part.

3.Cerebral digenesis

Well, you might be aware of the abnormality during the time of development of the brain. Cerebral digenesis is just a scientific name for this that occurs due to the physical injury to the fetal. Another factor that can cause Cerebral Palsy Newborn is an infection that mutates the genes.

4.Intracranial haemorrhage

Another thing that affects the brain is internal bleeding that is caused due to the fatal stroke. The main cause after all this is the blocked or damaged blood vessels that result in stroke and eventually haemorrhage. If a mother suffers from an infection, placenta complications or high blood pressure than it the most common thing to take place.

These are the main factors for a Cerebral Palsy Newborn that can happen. However, parents can seek form helps from any lawsuit in order to get some help from the law and protect your family and loved ones. If you have questions regarding child birth, child injury, etc., visit

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